How to bake cupcakes

Cupcakes are easy to bake and it is non messy to prepare compare with cake. Cupcakes are small individual sized sponge cakes, it can be either decorate or non decorate. Most of its decoration is in icing, frosting, elegant and more. Things about baking cupcakes are that, it can actually be baked straight in a patty tin or in a paper case. Cupcakes are preferable to be served during teatime, but most of all during a party, and other kinds of occasion. Therefore, people nowadays prefer to order cupcakes compare with cakes.

Here are the basic steps in how to bake a cupcakes.
An instruction are provided in steps by steps for the beginner to learn. 

In-facts, there are also tips in which temperature are suitable in baking cakes

Click to enlarge the photo
(How to make cupcakes plus lots of recipe, 2011)

The next tips shows how to decorate and put icing on top of a cupcakes 
(How to make cupcakes plus lots of recipe, 2011)

After you are done baking cupcakes, you should have a cupcakes look something like this. Fresh from the oven.

or like this. If you put different color in your process in baking cupcakes.
Both of the picture are taken myself when i first bake cupcakes
Note: It takes less than an hour to bake and prepare cupcakes. It might be hard baking cupcakes at first but, If someone are willing to learn on how to bake a cupcakes, then it would be easier after a while. It takes time for someone to learn on how to be professional in baking beautiful cupcakes.

Before I end this post, i'm going to show a useful video on how to bake cupcakes, with a simple and yet easy steps. As well as pictures showing a simple decoration!
I took this video from Youtube because it found out that this is quite a useful tips for the audiences who wish to bake cupcakes for the first time.

The next video shows how exactly to make a swirl icing. 

Few pictures showing simple cupcakes with simple decorations or icing. Most of the design or decoration in the below pictures are easy to be done and fast.
This is my own pictures, when I first decorate my first cupcakes
(Extra Special Cupcakes, No Special Skills Neccesary, 2011)

My second attempt in decorating a cupcakes with a simple decoration


Extra Special Cupcakes, No Special Skills Neccesary [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

 How to make cupcakes plus lots of recipe [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

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