Bijoux Cupcakes

Since most of previous post are about the design, boxes and how to make a cupcakes. This post are mainly about Bijoux cupcakes. My first Cupcakes store that I adore when i went to Kuala Lumpur. The main purpose why i choose about this store is because they served variety of amazing design kinds of cupcakes and most of the cupcakes are beautiful and delicious as well. Bijoux not only served cupcakes but also different kinds of foods such as lamb chop, burgers, fries and more.

Example of menu that is provided in Bijoux 

(Bijoux cupcakes placement, 2011)

 The Cupcakes store, somewhere inside KLCC

Promotion that are made. 
(Cute bijoux cupcakes shop, 2011)

Two example cupcakes that I bought from Bijoux when I went to Kuala Lumpur, last time.
There are more amazing store in Malaysia, as well as in Kota Kinabalu. But this is my most favorite cupcakes store that I love going so much. My most main attraction in loving this place so much is because of the design of the cupcakes that caught my attention at the very first place. The price that are offers are really reasonable and cheap. In fact, the place that is provided are comfortable. The location are strategic as it is located in KLCC, where the main attraction for KL citizen and tourist as well.. The websites are quite useful for me as in provide all sorts of information.
This is what the main web page looks like when you click on the link Bijoux main web page
All kinds of useful information can be found; starting from it's location, type of foods that are served, drinks and other more. As i said just now, this post are all about Bijoux store. For more information about the store, feel free to click on the link where it will direct you the main page and all sorts of inquires are there.


Bijoux cupcakes placement [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Cute bijoux cupcakes shop [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

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