Bijoux Cupcakes

Since most of previous post are about the design, boxes and how to make a cupcakes. This post are mainly about Bijoux cupcakes. My first Cupcakes store that I adore when i went to Kuala Lumpur. The main purpose why i choose about this store is because they served variety of amazing design kinds of cupcakes and most of the cupcakes are beautiful and delicious as well. Bijoux not only served cupcakes but also different kinds of foods such as lamb chop, burgers, fries and more.

Example of menu that is provided in Bijoux 

(Bijoux cupcakes placement, 2011)

 The Cupcakes store, somewhere inside KLCC

Promotion that are made. 
(Cute bijoux cupcakes shop, 2011)

Two example cupcakes that I bought from Bijoux when I went to Kuala Lumpur, last time.
There are more amazing store in Malaysia, as well as in Kota Kinabalu. But this is my most favorite cupcakes store that I love going so much. My most main attraction in loving this place so much is because of the design of the cupcakes that caught my attention at the very first place. The price that are offers are really reasonable and cheap. In fact, the place that is provided are comfortable. The location are strategic as it is located in KLCC, where the main attraction for KL citizen and tourist as well.. The websites are quite useful for me as in provide all sorts of information.
This is what the main web page looks like when you click on the link Bijoux main web page
All kinds of useful information can be found; starting from it's location, type of foods that are served, drinks and other more. As i said just now, this post are all about Bijoux store. For more information about the store, feel free to click on the link where it will direct you the main page and all sorts of inquires are there.


Bijoux cupcakes placement [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Cute bijoux cupcakes shop [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

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How to bake cupcakes

Cupcakes are easy to bake and it is non messy to prepare compare with cake. Cupcakes are small individual sized sponge cakes, it can be either decorate or non decorate. Most of its decoration is in icing, frosting, elegant and more. Things about baking cupcakes are that, it can actually be baked straight in a patty tin or in a paper case. Cupcakes are preferable to be served during teatime, but most of all during a party, and other kinds of occasion. Therefore, people nowadays prefer to order cupcakes compare with cakes.

Here are the basic steps in how to bake a cupcakes.
An instruction are provided in steps by steps for the beginner to learn. 

In-facts, there are also tips in which temperature are suitable in baking cakes

Click to enlarge the photo
(How to make cupcakes plus lots of recipe, 2011)

The next tips shows how to decorate and put icing on top of a cupcakes 
(How to make cupcakes plus lots of recipe, 2011)

After you are done baking cupcakes, you should have a cupcakes look something like this. Fresh from the oven.

or like this. If you put different color in your process in baking cupcakes.
Both of the picture are taken myself when i first bake cupcakes
Note: It takes less than an hour to bake and prepare cupcakes. It might be hard baking cupcakes at first but, If someone are willing to learn on how to bake a cupcakes, then it would be easier after a while. It takes time for someone to learn on how to be professional in baking beautiful cupcakes.

Before I end this post, i'm going to show a useful video on how to bake cupcakes, with a simple and yet easy steps. As well as pictures showing a simple decoration!
I took this video from Youtube because it found out that this is quite a useful tips for the audiences who wish to bake cupcakes for the first time.

The next video shows how exactly to make a swirl icing. 

Few pictures showing simple cupcakes with simple decorations or icing. Most of the design or decoration in the below pictures are easy to be done and fast.
This is my own pictures, when I first decorate my first cupcakes
(Extra Special Cupcakes, No Special Skills Neccesary, 2011)

My second attempt in decorating a cupcakes with a simple decoration


Extra Special Cupcakes, No Special Skills Neccesary [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

 How to make cupcakes plus lots of recipe [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

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Cupcakes boxes and others.

Similar to the design of a cupcakes, even boxes that is provided are also optional able for customers to choose. From colour, design, and materials that are used are an option for customers to choose. That is what makes cupcakes special. Customers are not only able to choose the design of cupcakes that they desire, but also the design of the boxes. There are no limited designs for the boxes, almost more than 30 boxes are provided. Each box depends on the customers demand and the event that is held. Each boxes as well as it cupcakes has a design that is similar or close to the theme of an event. The main purpose of a boxes in having a nice boxes of a cupcakes is that it can attract other customer's attention.

Here are few pictures in typical kinds of cupcakes boxes.
Name: 6 pieces of cupcakes
Materials are made by normal cupboards
Customers are allow to put 6 different kinds of cupcakes inside the box

(6 piece Cupcake box (Gold), 2011)
Name: Mini cupcakes for 4
Materials are made by cupboards
4 mini cupcakes can be put inside the box
(Mini cupcake box for 4 miniature cupcakes, 2011)
Name: Wooden gift box for 4
Materials are made by wood
Customers are allow to choose 4 different kind of cupcakes, or similar design.
(Wooden box for 4 cupcakes, 2011)
 Above picture are few example of boxes where customers normally choose. Those are the common boxes for people who prefer to buy cupcakes either to give it for someone as a way of saying thank you or visiting someone. Meanwhile, the next example of pictures will show more on different kinds of boxes that are provided.

Below are few example boxes that are suitable to be found in a wedding or an engagement ceremony.
Name: Cello cupcakes
(Cellophane cupcakes bags, 2011)
Name: Clear individuals cupcakes box
(Clear individual cupcake box, 2011)
Name: Miniature takeaway and different kind of design can be found
(Miniature takeaway box, 2011)
Name: Cupcakes boxes with handle
(Cupcakes boxes with handle, 2011)

Most people prefer these kind of design in a wedding ceremony because of it's design and its unique-ness.
Two example of a pictures where this cupcakes can be found:
White color cupcake stand
(Pink cupcakes stand, 2011)

Pink color cupcake stand
(Cupcakes stand, 2011)

6 piece Cupcake box (Gold) [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Mini cupcake box for 4 miniature cupcakes [image]. 2011. Retrieved from
Wooden box for 4 cupcakes [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Cellophane cupcakes bags [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Clear individual cupcake box [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Miniature takeaway box [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Cupcakes boxes with handle [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Pink cupcakes stand [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Cupcakes stand [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

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The differentness among other cupcakes

Cupcakes are quite famous in this century due to its specialty. Cupcakes can be found in many different kinds of shapes, design, colour and also flavour. All of it depends of the buyers demand. Back then, the main purpose why most housewives prefer to serve cupcakes as a dessert is because it is easy to be baked and cost efficiency. In fact, most housewives bake cupcakes and serve it among their family members. The basic skills in baking cupcakes are easy and fast to be learnt. It does not required a lot of times or energy as well.

The main reason why most people love cupcakes is because unlimited of design can be found. To add on, customers are allowed to choose their own design of cupcakes. Cupcakes are convenient to be baked because they cooked much quicker compare to a large cake. The ingredient in baking a cupcakes are way much more easier than baking a cake.

Here are 3 examples of cute design of cupcakes

(Cupcakes, 2011)

(Cupcakes in Malaysia, 2011)

(Princess cupcakes, 2011)

Most cupcakes lover who prefer to order these kind of design are mainly from teenager who age 16-21 years old and also kids. People who order cupcakes mostly has their own occasion to celebrate, such as birthday celebration, a party or other event that suit teenagers or kids event.

Another example of sophisticated and elegant design of cupcakes
Raspberry flavor with an icing as a topping.

(Pretty in pink, 2011)
Chocolate flavor top with Cappuccino icing
(Hey chocolate, 2011)
Vanilla flavor with white swirl 
(Lace cuppie, 2011)

These design kind of cupcakes mostly can be found in a wedding or an engagement ceremony. Due to its elegant and simplicity types of design are prefect to be served in that
kind or events.
('Bendera malaysia' cupcakes, 2011)

This is one of the example designs of hundred kinds of cupcakes that are arranged as a Malaysian flag. The creativity in making a Malaysian flag with cupcakes is one of a kind

Another example of a design cupcakes, that is an I-phone
(Iphone cupcakes, 2011)

Baking cupcakes are simply convenient in making one. Not to forget in ordering cupcakes in all kinds of events. It's cheap and is affordable to everyone. Cupcakes are now can be found in all region of Malaysia. Unlike cakes, cupcakes can be made within 2 or 3 days time.


Cupcakes [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Cupcakes in Malaysia [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Princess cupcakes [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Pretty in pink [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Hey chocolate [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Lace cuppie [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

Bendera malaysia’ cupcakes [image]. 2011. Retrieved from 

Iphone cupcakes [image]. 2011. Retrieved from

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