Why I choose Cupcakes at the very first place

The main reason why I choose Cupcakes as my topic is because baking cupcakes is my main interest and I enjoy baking cupcakes. I was 16 years old when I first started baking cupcakes. My sister was the one who introduces on how to bake cupcakes. I took my quite some times in learning, thus, it requires a lot of patient. Baking cupcakes are easy compare to baking cakes. It is because, the entire ingredient that are needed are simple and cheap. The basic ingredient such as flour, butter, sugar and other more can easily be found in a supermarket store. The icing is something that is easy to be done and quick as well. The colouring and designing cupcakes is the fun part, because, you are allow to choose your own design and colour as well. To add on, the main thing what I love about cupcakes is that it can be baked within less than an hour, depending on the amount of cupcakes that are baked. But mostly, I will spend at least an hour in baking 15 cupcakes, excluding the designing part.

I decided to share my interest with my other classmate, so that for those you never baked or never liked baking cupcakes before would be able to change their mind and start baking cupcakes on their own rather than buying one in a store. It is much more fun baking cupcakes than buying one. All of those times in making one are fun. To add on, it is much more cost efficiency in making than buying one.

The purpose of I buying the template of Sweet Cupcake Designed by Ipiet Templates Image by Tadpole's Notez is because I wanted a template that will suit my topic. Since my topic is all about cupcakes, I have decided to use this template as my theme. I chose a soft and less design template because I want my viewer to focus more on the picture, video and text that will be written by me. Since I am going to upload a lot of colourful and attractive design types of cupcake, I chose a template that is not as contrast as my posts. The template of my blog is enough to make the viewer notice what my blog are mainly about. I uses black font instead of other colour because it is more suitable for the reader to read my post. Plus, I use arial as my type of font because it looks more formal.

I have included facebook and Twitter inside my blog so that my reader can easily connect with me. In facebook, I will be able to post my recent update in my blog and plce my link to my blog for them to easily to check out my blog. In fact, I can also upload pictures about cupcakes inside my blog and give a link at the bottom of the pictures. Facebook is the most famous social networking in worldwide, therefore, it is easy for me promote my blog in Facebook and gain more attention from others. I’ve also included twitter because twitter seems to be a convenient web page for me to update my blog frequently. I might not have time to update my blog when I’m done baking a cupcake, therefore, with twitter, I can always snap a pictures of a cupcakes that I’ve just baked and upload it on Twitter after that. With that, people will be eager to read my blog. I’ve also included RSS feedback in my blog so that it would be easier for me gain feedbacks from the others and see what their opinion with my blog is.

Blog is a best way to start a basic platform in showing what we capable in doing are and what are we good at. By using a blog as a studying purpose, I am able to learn more clearly in how to use a proper blog and how to write proper English.

As a conclusion, by using a blog as a way in showing one of my interests, I can gain more knowledge from the others as well as feedback in way for me to improve myself to be better in the future.

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♥ Delicious Cupcakes ♥ Copyright 2009 Sweet Cupcake Designed by Ipiet Templates Image by Tadpole's Notez